This episode really addresses the both sides of the debate on medical marijuana. The argument for the legalization of medical marijuana, as well as the underground drug trade with marijuana remaining illegal.
South Park really does a good job illustrating how legalizing medicinal marijuana creates loopholes for marijuana users to legally, get their hands on the drug. Although, as usual, the example given in South Park was rather extreme, as men in South park begin to intentionally give themselves testicular cancer in order to receive marijuana licenses.
The second side of the marijuana debate addressed by this episode is the underground drug market that develops as a result of marijuana or any substance be illegalized. To illustrate this, South Park banns KFC from Colorado, which in turn creates an underground market for KFC in South Park. Cartman as a KFC dealer becomes involved in the shady life of a drug dealer, illustrating how the black market causes an unnecessary amount of crime to take place over a relatively harmless substance.
Bottom line the debate over medical marijuana is ridiculous, because the rules themselves are ridiculous. Such as marijuana sales outside of the pharmacy building, even if proper documentation is provided. Legalizing medical marijuana doesn't eliminate the underground drug network, but solely allows for drug dealers/marijuana sellers easier access to the drug. Further more, today in much of Colorado, the location of the real South Park, there are laws allowing the possession of marijuana of up to an ounce, which if you are not familiar with marijuana, is a lot. Personally, I feel as though the legalization of marijuana is inevitable, as such authorities should focus on more dangerous drugs, and our culture should accept the drug as it has accepted alcohol.
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